Sunday, August 21, 2005

why do sequels over-do it? WHY?? My SECOND Movie Review: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

So i love Bridget Jones's Diary. I loved the book, i loved the movie, i love Bridget.

Think about it, people. Why do i love her? She drinks, she smokes, she's constantly trying to lose weight, and has a horrible love life.

Helen Fielding wrote that part for me.


So why did they have to go make the sequel crap?
Let's see, shall we??
1. Just because part of it takes place in Thailand - it's supposed to be better? Sheeaa!! Rrright!!!

2. In the first Bridget Jones, we all fell in love with her because she did completely ridiculous things that could happen to ANYONE (although i think Fielding had been talking to some of my friends......especially when she falls out of the taxi....)! In the sequel, she does and says stuff that is completely ludicrous! NOT even believable that she would behave so poorly!!!! I mean, we didn't fall in love with Bridget Jones the Bimbo!!! We BELIEVED that you could stick your foot in your mouth and still be an intelligent professional woman!!! But NO. Not in this one. Apparently she's turned into a list of dumb, 'fat' jokes.

3. And the fat. Now we all know Renee Zellweger had to put on some pounds for the first movie. We also know that she looked fabulous as a *real* person weighing in at an average of 135 lbs. We also know that Vogue wouldn't let her be the cover model until she 'lost' her Bridget weight, because apparently Vogue doesn't think non-model types are beautiful enough for their magazine, nor do we even exist in the world (needless to say, i haven't bought a Vogue mag since....). So what's up with this second movie? Did they make Renee gain a shit-ton of DONUT weight? I mean, she's sporting a double chin most of the time!!! She's by no means FAT (which they keep referring to her in the film) but they overdid something this time!!! She's definitely not as cute as in the last film. She looks like she's aged 10 years instead of '6 weeks' as is the time frame between stories. it begins to be hard to believe that Daniel Cleever AND Mark Darcy think she's gorgeous, seeing as how this other heavy actor points it out in the beginning scene where she's wearing a HORRIBLE evening gown.

4. Who the heck was the costume designer in this film? Yes, Bridget Jones always dressed a little 'poorly' in the last film, but she still had style and professionalism (except for that see through top - which was necessary at the time of flirtation). In The Edge of Reason whomever is dressing up Renee has vendetta against pale, big boobed, 'normal' sized blonds!!! She continues to dress her in pastels which make her look so washed out she's unhealthy, and EVERY top she wear they use a wonder bra to push her boobs out as if you didn't notice them already!!! When did Bridget turn into a skanky dresser? In the missing 6 weeks of dating Mark Darcy?

Needless to say, i was very disappointed with Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason. I give it a 2 out of 5

Dont' get me wrong. i LOVED Bridget Jones's Diary SO much, i made everyone i know watch it. We've even had Bridget Jones nights went my urban family come over, sit in our pjs, watch the movie, drink mass quantities of Vodka and listen to Chaka Khan!!!


Aaron said...

Wow! That Bridget Jones thing really gets women excited! Cas, it sounds like you feel betrayed by the sequel. You know how the quality hierarchy goes - The sequel is not as good as the original is not as good as the book/play/whatever. It sounds like you expected too much.

locomocos said...

gets 'Women' excited? who else was bitterly disappointed by this sham of a chick flick?

Am i so wrong in expecting an equaling cute movie with a drinking, smoking, Ben and Jerry eating heroine?

C'mon! How do you fuck that up!!!
Well, apparently you can! Just rent this movie!!!!

jason said...

Yeah, the sequel completely blows. The first one was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am not a real woman, making it even more obvious by being a Yank. I've never seen either movie. I guess that puts me out there to get some kind of retributional movie night with the Cas. I remember when I told her I'd never seen Muriel's Wedding. She made me watch it with her, and I still don't remember it.

locomocos said...

i'm bringing both of them to seattle and MAKING you watch them!!!

.....but we'll probably be too drunk. looks like we'll just have to wait till i move to St. Louis!!!