Tuesday, November 03, 2009

When the heck are you DONE?

I know, I know. I think everyone has been asking me when I'm finally going to be done with Peace Corps. But you know what? I came real close to extending my service in order to work with an NGO specializing in women's groups. It's something that I've begun to develop a real interest in.

But I have also developed a taste for geology. So I've decided to not stay in Paraguay, and look into Grad School options. When will I go to grad school? Probably not for a loooooong time, but it made me realize that I have NO idea what I want to do when I finish my service.

But hey, that's a good thing.

Peace Corps has given me a new view of the world, and all the possibilities in it. Maybe development work is not my bag, but women's groups ARE. For years I thought I was paving the way for women by working in male dominated industries, but I realized that I also need to be working WITH women to make any changes. Go figure.

What I've Learned

So I'm also writing my last essay, called my Desciption of Service. It's a 3 page paper on what I've done with my Peace Corps service for the last two years. At first I thought this was a silly bogus paperwork process, but I've realized that I really have done a lot of kool things with my two years. Not that I didn't do kool stuff back home, but it's just so much different. I mean, who knows how to cook all items over an open fire? What's it like to pull your water from a well everyday? Bucket Bath? I'm an expert. Speaking a foreign language 90% of the time, and trying to make jokes...I mean make jokes FUNNY, in a completely different culture? Preparing all my food without lipton soup packages? Heck, I know how to make my own cheese and yogurt now! This may sound awful for some people, but it's a very liberating experience....in retrospect! This doesn't mean that the minute I get off the plane I'm going to go straight to Sonic for a corndog and onion rings....

anyone want to wash clothes with me in an old tire?

So as my time comes to a close, I am looking at all kinds of new adventures. I have decided to try and get a temporary job as a butcher. That's right. A butcher. I've killed plenty of chickens and pigs here, so why not learn how to make the choicest cuts of meat and put them directly on the grill? I don't think i can lose on this one. But once again, I may change my mind and go to China to teach English after my first day in the slaughter house....


Blackpetunia said...

You still didn't say when you are done....

Homoses said...

You go lady!

Proud of you as usual.
