I feel like I’m in college again, where you all bitch and complain about that one professor that gives you so much homework, that you think he believes that you are taking ONLY his class! Unfortunately, I’ve begun to realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE that crappy ole professor was trying to ready you for ‘the real world’. Except it wasn’t your choice to take a blue or red pill! You were just mercilessly thrown out into the harsh truth after spending 7 years* in college – the whole time thinking that all you had to do was graduate, and THEN the world would be easy! Now you have to face the facts that your crappy parents were right (not you, mom – promise!) that AFTER college is when life starts, and it SUCKS.
I keep getting more and more work piled on my desk, and even if I have my boss actually sit down and prioritize my work load list, shit STILL hits the fan!!!
Yeah, sure. Everyone feels that way. But what is it about my job that people think that piling stuff on my desk is going to get done ANY faster than when I say, “I have way too much stuff to do. I can’t take on any more unless I get some help”. I’m serious. I actually say this to my boss, and he ‘listens’ or in some way responds like he’s ‘listening’ but then when it comes down to it – like today for example – he expects me to continuously take homework home every night, and magically create a landscape design on my kitchen table, along with an estimate to go along with it! God forbid we actually TELL our clients that they may have to WAIT a bit….
Well, maybe I’m living under a rock, or I just haven’t noticed every other working stiff who is as stressed out as I am! And this usually only happens during peak season! Not the END of the season! For the love of Pete! We just had our first billable snowstorm! Geez!!
I wish I was back in the Haiku Tunnel – where everything was warm and fuzzy and I was just given work - and left alone to do it. No screaming bosses, no idiot project managers, no frustrating co-workers piling more and more shit onto my plate.
If only I were a fetus.
No – if only I were a cat. I could curl up LIKE a fetus, and just sleep all day and only allowing people to pet me and pay attention to me when I felt like it. Or needed something.
but then you'd be allergic to yourself, like Miss Kittin!
Fat guy in a little coat...
Eva, I won't cry for you. You think you're working hard now? Wait til you join the peace corps. That will be hard work - with no 'set hours' or 'days off'. There won't be any 'benefits', or 'perks'. The good news is that you'll probably be to tired and sick to worry about who's dishing out turds.
Thanks for not calling me a crappy parent.
I don't know what your talking about. I work in an office now and it's GREAT! no dumb ass customers bitching and moaning and trying to prove there superiority over you. like that lady that told me she *has* an education in art (she took a couple of classes at a community collage) But then again, my job is easy! thats it, you need one of those, an easy job. then your liven the high life. the salad days. oh yea.
Yes!! Haiku Tunnel. That's a funny movie. They show it on IFC from time to time. I can relate to the old, slow mailman at my place of business. Not only does he move slow, but he also talks slow. Like he's all worn out from pushing a mail cart.
No benefits in the Peace Corps? Are you crazy? How about the benefit of HELPING people live a better life!!!! GEEZ!!!!
as for Haiku Tunnel - i bought it and LOVE it!!! Everytime his boss walks by his area and that wwhhhoooosssshhhhh sound is played - i am reminded of my company, and the owner's wife! Of course, the owner is not as bad as 'Bob' but....
wait. Yes he is!
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