Friday, October 07, 2005


How much is my blog worth?

So A-ron sent me this website that talks about our blogs! it's really weird! how does it know? And what's it all about?

Check to see if your blog is on there, and if the info is accurate! it's a little scary!


Aaron said...

I'm going to buy you out. Don't make this hard. I will only offer you B$50 over market price. You'd better take it, you won't get a more reasonable offer.

Spoony Quine said...

` Oo! Mine's over 2,000! Didn't think it was possible!

Blackpetunia said...

I must be a total idiot, but I went there started an account an all that jazz. And I still cannot find a way to see those graphs for my own blog. Maybe mine is not there?

Aaron said...

yours isn't on there Amber. Believe me, i've looked. I had visions of owning all of our blogs. You have escaped the hostile takeover for now.

Blackpetunia said...

new post!!!