I have been recently addicted to lettuce wraps. Not because they’re really healthy or anything, but I love the yummy dishes created to put into the crisp, cool lettuce. Mostly it’s a meat dish, but there are recipes out there containing veggies only, or tofu. The key is that whatever you put into the lettuce wrap, it needs to be small and spoonable. The smaller, the easier to fill, and easier to wrap with lettuce.
So last night I was too tired to cook, for reasons evident on my picture blog. We decided to order Chinese food. Since we ALWAYS order regular Chinese food, I decided to order from Spicy Basil, which is more of a Thai restaurant. I had such a hard time deciding what I wanted, but I finally narrowed it down to a chicken and veggie lettuce wrap dish.
I was so excited (as per above) to taste the hot meat dish in the cool lettuce wrap. The menu had said, ‘Must Use Hands to Eat this Dish’ – which made me even more giddy. I couldn’t wait! If these wraps were good, that meant I had a new delivery place I could order from on a regular basis! The prices were cheap, selection good, service wonderful; now all that was left was the actual taste test.
As I unpacked my dinner – I noticed it looked a little odd. It looked more like ground turkey than actual chicken. I was skeptical. But that was all blown away as I unwrapped the lettuce, and put a spoonful of delight into it and bit in! It was wonderful! I couldn’t believe how awesome it was! I couldn’t get enough – fast enough!
The only problem – it indeed required hands. And a plate, and roll of paper towels. It was messy! Probably the messiest lettuce wrap in the world! And what did I do? I dripped stuff all over my favorite jeans! D’OH!!!!
As the juice dripped off my fingers and face, I felt like I was in a Carl’s Jr. commercial (Hardee’s for those out east). They had a string of commercials with a sexy girls eating the messiest burger alive – but Hemingway – this was the same thing, but I was eating a lettuce wrap. The only thing, was that in the commercial for Carl’s Jr., the sexy model who wouldn’t normally EAT a ginormous burger like that – didn’t get ANY condiments on HER jeans – or her shirt for the love of Pete! It just got all over the floor! My lettuce wrap got all over BOTH and this morning, I had to put Spray and Wash on my precious jeans, hoping that they won’t be permanently stained.
Cause that would just suck. I hate it when one of your favorite articles of clothing gets ruined. Especially jeans, since I have such a hard time finding a good pair! Even though they only cost $20 – I still think they’re worth more that 1 night of bliss with a lettuce wrap.
I’ll keep you updated after I do laundry tonight. I’m sure everyone’s sitting on the edge of their seats!
` Next time, just take off your pants! ;)
This reminds me of a recipe for cajun cabbage rolls i like to make. I also like Spoony's reasoning. Her advice is how I like to solve most problems
Martha says: please wear clothes when you are making the food for company. You can take off the clothes when they arrive.
` Holy shotput! I got a response from the New Yorker!! But....
just so you know..your description was written so well that caff and I were out driving with the kiddos tonight and I started craving lettuce wraps. And caff wanted me naked so it would have been a good combo...haha.
Lettuce wraps are excellent, but dangerous.
I always get them at P.F. Changs around here, but they are just about the perfect appetizer.
Show your jeans who's the boss.
Thank you all for the support. I will now renounce my jeans - and continue to eat lettuce wraps!
the stain came out - if anyone was stressing out about it - besides me....
and you got it! Those lettuce wraps ain't keeping ME down!
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