So i was just minding my own business yesterday, when out of NO WHERE - Josh decides to buy me a present. And what present would Josh possibly think to give me? You got it! The Magic Bullet!!!
An item i would never ever buy off TV, but have been wanting for over a year! i mean, you can make delicious chocolate mouse in 30 SECONDS!!!!!
I'm so excited to try out my Magic Bullet! i can make all sorts of yummies that took so much longer before this amazing appliance!!!
Actually, i love infomercials. Especially late at night, when i get home from the bar. That's when they're most effective.
Do you ever watch them, or even those As Seen On TV commercials that make day to day functions look SO HARD if you don't have their product?
For instance:
Topsy Tail - it's a ponytail maker. you didn't think pony tails were hard, right? well did you see how tough it was to make on the commercial? Those people kept messing up their hair and wearing out their arms because it took them like 4 HOURS to do!!!
Ab Roller - did you SEE how hard it was to do ACTUAL sit ups? How have we been doing it with out help? i mean you can do 5 and you're pooped!!!
And that Handy Chef - it's a spatual/tong concoction that allows you to GRAB your food! did you see all those eggs people were dropping on the commercial cause they didn't have that top tong? Geez. Poor breakfast! What are we going to do?
I guess i really like their faces when they are TRYING to function the 'OLD' way! it's just so HARD!!! and then they get frustrated and start pouting - on TV!!!! hahaha!!!
Now - as you will remember, The George Foreman Grill started out as an infomercial - now it's in 1 in 5 houses in America!
Wow. Maybe the Magic Bullet will be next.
Are you talking about the George Forman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine?!?! Those are great!
The topsy tail was more than just a pony tail maker, it was the end-all be-all for hairstyling. You can make hundreds of hairstyles with that thing, I've seen them do it.
I own a 'handy chef'. It's actually a knock-off, but it can still pick up ONE THIN DIME!
The magic bullet sounds more like a sex toy than it does a food processor. However, I can't deny the absolute necessity of being able to make delicious chocolate mousse in 30 SECONDS!
I could never be Ron Popeil. He's the master of the infomercial. He's got more bullshit in his little finger than I have in my whole existence. 'You just set it, and forget it!'
I will admit, I have been craving a magic bullet set myself. Where did he find a set not on TV? I would be interested in knowing. I ALWAYS worry that the infomercial people will put me on their stupid call list and then I will be cold called by people telling me to-as aaron said- "set it and forget it!" for the rest of my days. It is for that reason that I never order any of the wonderfull crap that would sit in a bottom shelf to be put out someday with yard sail stuff.
I can't believe you got it. And for a minute I thought you were talking about a vibrator!
I wonder if that can double?
I think trying to get it to double would make sex a bit dicey
haha, you so punny.
Thanks BT, that's a visualization I didn't really want to have.
Hey, aaron, just trying to do my part for the world of puns and sick jokes (two things I relish)
I have a George Foreman grill.....I call it a stove and a frying pan. Seriously, that's all it is.
My mom actually bought me a knock-off Foreman grill. I used it a couple of times, hated it, and threw it out when I moved.
Im glad you like it. I have to admit that there was selfish motives behind it. Now, Im hopping, that when ever the Magic Bullet commercial comes on, maybe we wont have to watch it anymore. Just kidding, Im sure now we will have a new reason to watch the commercial. We can see all the great 30 second recipes demonstrated! It will be like our own cooking show.
Cassie has the Forman as well. Oh yea, I got the bullet at Target.
you guys can share all the punny jokes you want to, this saturday, right bt?
AND a-ron, don't forget to bring a list of questions about fruit for bt. i hear he's quite the aficionado!!!
and i LOVE my george foreman! i have the new one in which the grill comes off and you can wash it in the sink/dishwasher! it's great! i use it ALL the time!
the target by my work has the magic bullet not! Woe is me. it is at times like this that I feel the midwest mocks me.
yes, Cassie, saturday. byob, I will have soda/juice/mixers and snacks. NO magic bullet though, so if you want 30 second mousse, you will be shyte out of luck. No promise as to how hopping it will be though. Especialy if amber and tom punk out on us. Maybe 10 people or so?
ach! BT you were not supposed to say anything yet! I need to talk to Cassie first. Hoping she'll convince me at this point, but it's looking grim.
WHAT THE FUCK AM I HEARING???????????????????????????????
` Sorry to interrupt your punctuation marks, Cassie, but I just popped in to say that I am finally back and catching up on this blogging stuff.
` About your post, brilliant choice of subject - and you are so right! It's like, if people are really that helpless, then what did primitive people do? They could still make fire and do sit-ups, and get their hair out of their eyes for when they went to stab the wildebeest with their spears and butcher it and prepare it into a delicious meal and grab the food PERFECTLY WELL WITHOUT DROPPING IT!!!
` If anyone actually thinks that we are such weaklings... the human race is DOOMED! We will all die after society collapses and are unable to kill wildebeests for food.
You guys will die. I'm going to buy a 4x4 and live up in the mountains - Ted Kazynski style. I'll eat whatever I can kill with my carbine, and eat twigs and berries - commando style. You guys can come with me if you want, but you'll have to pull your weight.
` You're gonna run outta gas!
` I know what I'd do, I'd live on a sailboat in the sound. No... maybe not. Pirates, you know.
` Hmmm... perhaps I'd live in the country like a Hippie and see how hard it is, eating leaves, berries, tree cambium, squirrels...
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