A mini-break means true love.
Suddenly feel like screen goddess - in manner of Grace Kelly.
Though perhaps ever so slightly less elegant under pressure.
So I am going to KC this weekend, as most of you already know! I am being flown out to check out a certain landscape company that possibly wants to hire me! Hooray!!!
The assorted friends and family I have talked to have said that if the company is flying me out for an interview, it is a good sign that they are really interested. In fact, I have been told that short of an episode of How I got into College when that girl took off her blouse during her interview - it’s almost in the bag. (cross your fingers i don't do that, guys!)
So why am I still nervous as hell? I mean, I know my business, I don’t necessarily NEED this job, and I’m not even sure if they’re going to offer me the same as what I’m making. But I’m busting my butt to get my portfolio up to par, and I’ve already determined what I’m going to wear – but I have NO idea what I’m going to say!!!
Typical interview questions:
1. What is your greatest strength?
2. What is your greatest weakness?
3. Where do YOU want to be 5 years from now?
4. What salary are you seeking?
5. Tell us about yourself.
6. How do YOU handle stress?”
7. How do you deal with difficult people?
I’m dead people. Dead.
I just know I’m going to go Bridget Jones on their ass and let whatever is in my head come out of my mouth – like WORD VOMIT!!!!! Then I’m going to talk too much about something stupid, or they will ask me something and I keep repeating myself.
I am HORRIBLE at interviews. Just horrible.
Any suggestions?
Just relax, I'm sure you'll do fine. Your portfolio and your credentials are going to speak for themselves.
'Be confident!'
How in the world are you continuing to stay within about 300 points of me on the site counters? That baffles me! And don't give me the line about my stats being artifically inflated either.
You'll do fine. And either way, we'll party like Prince.
personaly, in addition to being confident, make sure you interview them too. I have noticed that they really like it when you ask them, what are my opertunities with you company over the next five years? Why should I work with this company? Make sure they feel that they are courting you as much as you are courting them.
Of course I am not really the best person to give advice in that matter though, most of the jobs I have gotten (including the one I have now) I had before I even interviewed. I did make it known to potential employers that I would be doing them a favor by working with them, even when they knew I wanted the job they had to offer.
Yep, aaron said it best "Be confident" that sums it up. And you have every reason to be, as you said you know your job and do it well.
Thanks BT. That's another line from The Neverending Story, but it seemed more than applicable.
` You go, girl!!!!
` Also, I like zees... word vomit! Love it! (Eet is also better in taste than a clinical term called logorrhea.)
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