Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Cheer

Povaticia (not bernice's)
Originally uploaded by locomocos
Yummy povaticia, spiral ham, and eggnog. All the things i wish i was eating if i didn't have the friggin flu. I've been sick for the last week and can't seem to beat this thing. Welcome back to the US, i guess. At least I am sick with a flu (that i have since found out most people have been having for 2 weeks) is that I'm at my mom's so she can baby me. I've been drinking orange juice and 7up galore. I felt a little better last night, so my stepdad made me a ginormous steak. I couldn't even eat half of it, but it was good. I'm barely able to talk, as I lost my voice, but my mom turned on the in home intercom so I could summon her whenever I needed. I've been watching Star Trek and Magnum P.I. for the last 4 days. Being sick is even starting to feel normal.
I leave for Nashville tomorrow. Let's hope I don't infect my dad!
I've got some new photos on flickr! Check 'em out!

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