That´s right, chillins! You can text me for NO MONEY! Just go to this link:
go to the left hand side of the website to the Accesos Directos menu and click on the line that says:
Envio de Mensajes
Type in my phone number which is 0971 (which is in the drop box) 702151
and write me a quick message in the box (up to 110 characters)
put your name in the nombre box
click the circle at the bottom which says 'ahora' (meaning send now)
type the verification in the code box (like when leaving a message on my blog)
and hit 'Enviar' (send)
That´s right. You can text me while you´re sitting at work, play, or just hanging around on the internet wondering if I´m online and ready to chat! I know you all miss me terribly - especially since I´ve been gone for only 3 months so far!
If you´re reading this right now - take a moment to visit the website and send me a little message! I would really really really love it.
Does that sound too desperate? Well, believe it people. I would love to hear from anyone seeing as how I´m probably killing a pig or macheteing down a sugar cane field. Seriously.
OK, I tried. Here is the message. El usuario no tiene habilitado el servicio. "the user can't speak because no service???" Also, I thought your number was 702151. I tried both 701151 and 702151. I am disappointed.
El usuario no tiene habilitado el servicio
I also got that message.
I'm also disappointed.
Liar liar pants on fire! Something isn't working.
BAHHH. Lousy Paraguaiaian phone service!!! You'll never know what I said now!!!
i freely admit to working for the government and lying to all of you.
i will also attempt to remedy the situation by debating it for the next 2 years.
booo hooooooo.
for me.
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