Astrologers have assigned Pluto's rulership to Scorpio. Pluto travels its fastest in Scorpio, spending only 12 years in that sign, where it spends up to thirty years in the other signs. The planet Earth experienced perihelion between the Sun and Pluto in September of 1989, or its closest contact with that planet, during which time Pluto actually orbited on the inside of Neptune for a while. Here we have felt Pluto at its strongest. This is a convincing argument in itself that Pluto rules Scorpio.
Pluto Gets the Boot
I read that about Pluto in TIME. My son has a planetarium at his elementary school (lucky little dude) and I want to ask the science teacher what he thinks about Pluto.
Does this mean scorpios will stop being so fiesty?
I sent you an acupuncture response through flickr mail. Would be glad to help and I promise not to wear my blindfold when I throw the needles at his back. ;)
My Very Excellent Mom Just Served Us Nine...... uh... Comets?
It's about time Pluto got the boot. I have my eye on Uranus now. I don't like the way it winks at me. I'm going to start a petition to have Uranus classified as a black hole. More to come...
` I read about all this in Nature. I say; YAY! I've been so sick of Pluto being classified as a planet along with Saturn and Earth - it is a Kuiper Belt Object, just like Sedna and Xena... isn't Xena the one that's the size of Mars? They all follow a really crazy orbit along with a lot of other little bits of rock.
` The Kuiper Belt is basically like the asteroid field, but it's way out at the edges of the solar system instead of in the middle of it. Apparently, Ceres the asteroid and some of the round Kuiper Belt objects are now some sort of planet.
Aaron-Uranus has always looked like a black hole....
I couldn resist...was just too easy!!
Sweet. This and that, will you sign my petition?
i wonder if it's just Missouri schools that teach the "My Very Educated Mother"....cause everyone out here seems to think i'm crazy when i say that....
It must be, it took me a while to figure out what the hell you guys where talking about. "My Very Educated..." wha?
this and that - we might be tossing a few needles my way soon, blindfold or not, this pain has got to STOP! : )
Fuck me. No wonder automatic doors keep shutting on me.
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