Hello friends.
I have spent the evening trying to decide what i wanted for Christmas (for anyone who wants to get me something!). I tried to find a myriad of prices, so hopefully there is a little something for everyone!
My Christmas List
just cut and paste my email to view my wish list:
Happy Shopping!!!
and p.s.
i highly suggest you do this every year! it really cuts down on getting crappy gifts you have to 'regift'.
and no, i'm not just ASKING people for gifts with this post, but my family reads my blog (although you wouldn't know it since they never COMMENT!!!!) and they have asked me to fill out a 'wish list' and send it to them. i figured i'd post it, so if i could not only tell them what i want, it would make them possibly COMMENT on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mom and dad! Can't wait to see you on the 23rd!
Thanks Bethy (one of my nicknames for Cassie). Others Lizzybethan, baby girl ...
I want some of that christmas puddin', that looks like 'da bomb'.
I'm going to start calling you Lizzybeth.
I've been waiting for you to tell me if i'm right here
Cassie I'm shoced you don't have a link to Archie McPhee's on there.
I just found their website, GOD! If I would have known they had such cool stuff I would have made sure we went there!
I can't believe you didn't drag me there.
` I likee puddin. Glad to be pentarchy.
` Sadly, the re-indexing has revealed that my blog's valuation has gone down a thousand dollars.
` Hey!! I had a little adventure that turned out to not be an adventure today. New post!
` Actually, that was several posts back by now...
` At least I can be secure in the knowledge that loitering bookbags will not go unpunished.
` I just learned that Christmas Pudding requires about two bottles of brandy, 'cuz it takes about a month to make one, and you have to keep it wet with alcohol.
` Then, when it's time to serve it, you light it on fire! Flambe!
` ....HEYYYYY CASSSSS AND EVERYONE! WHEN YOU COMIN BACK TO EARTH? I guess this IS a busy time of year....
` Constantly coming back to people's websites, day after day, and being disappointed about the lack of activity.
` This is what happens when you can't reach anyone to hang out with... It's truly sad.
` Hey, I was looking at your Christmas list the other day. That's a lot of loot! Then again, I'm guessing you have a lot of friends and family.
` Me, I can count everything I want in both hands: Clothes, because everything I have is at least five years old. ...But, since I have to be able to wear them, my mom is taking me shopping!
` Also, I would like a stylus so I can draw directly onto my computer, but I'll probably have to wait until my birthday.
` That'll be cool.
Those drawing pads are pretty neat spoony. Too bad it's so hard to make freehand art on the pc
` How do I keep making these typos?
` Me, I can count everything I want in both hands:
` I meant one hand, obviously. Oh, that's just weird how easily I do that.
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